Not quite everything. I found the teaching re "The Woman" and the "torture stake" rather tortuous.
"The Woman" - that this was a reference to God's heavenly organisation was difficult to swallow. At meetings I would sometimes answer up saying RCs believed the Woman was the virgin Mary which is one reason why statues of her may show her trampling on a snake's head (alluding to Gen 3:15). The countenance of folks was rather serious when I made reference to such. Also, Jesus referred to his mother as "woman" at Cana and when dying. Never referred to her as mother. The woman in revelation was quite descriptive of the virgin Mary too.
That the WT decided that stauros means torture stake only, was another difficult one. They were so rigid. Yet they admit that acts 5 (xylon) is translated as tree and so, that Jesus was fastened to a tree was OK with them but much ignored. It was as if they were a scholarly bunch of lexicologists and knew better than others. Since then of course we've had the exclusive definition of generation which evidences their intellectual bankruptcy and caprice.